How to create an add-on domain in control panel (cPanel)

  Web Hosting
Your account with Shujaahost may include the ability to host multiple websites depending on your hosting package. The tutorial is intended at helping you create add-on domain to your account. An Addon Domain is second website within your cPanel with its own unique content. Before creating an Addon Domain, the domain must be registered.

Creating Add-on Domain

  1. Log into your cPanel
  2. In the Domains section, click on “Addon Domain”
  3. Fill in the details of your add-on domain as necessary.
    • New Domain Name: Enter the domain name you are adding to your cPanel
    • Subbomain /Ftp Username: cPanel automatically configures a new FTP user for the new domain. Even though many users do not need or even use ftp accounts, cPanel requires that you enter an FTP username and password.
    • Document Root: This is the directory where the files of the particular website will be located.
    • Password: This will be the FTP password for the username entered above.
    • Password Again: Confirm the password you entered above by repeating it in this field.
  4. Click on “Add Domain button to finish.”

Removing an Add-on Domain in cPanel

  1. Click on the Add-on Domain icon
  2. Scrooll down to the list of addon domains.
  3. Find the addon domain you want to remove and click on“Remove”

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