Sitepad is a simple & easy website builder that you can use to build your website at Shujaa Host. In this guide we will talk about how to install WordPress using Softaculous Auto Installer.
Softaculous is a commercial script library that automates the installation of commercial and open source web applications to a website.
If you have a hosting account at Shujaa Host, chances are you have already come across Softaculous in your control panel.
How to install Sitepad Website Builder using Softaculous Auto Installer.
- First, you start by logging into your control panel. So log into your control panel if you’re not logged in yet.
- In your control panel, scroll down to Extra Features section then click on Softaculout Auto Installer.

- On the next page, locate and click on Sitepad Website Builder.

- On the next page, click on Get Started button.

- On the next page click on Install Not button.

- On the next page, delete the default value in Directory Field and leave it empty. The default value is set to sp. Only enter a value in this field if you intend to install your WordPress in a sub-directory.

- Scroll down to Site Settings section. Type your Site Name & Site Description. You can always change this information after the installation is complete.

- Under Admin Account section, fill in your preferred WordPress Admin Username, Password & Email address.

Also make sure to replace the default email address that is prefilled. Use your email address. This becomes handy when you’ve lost your password.
Scroll Down and click on Install button
Wait for the installation to complete.
Once the installation is complete, you can log into your sitepad admin panel using your domain name like this (Replace domain-name with your actual domain name)